Differences Between Section 8 And Low-Income Housing
This article will help you figure out the differences between Section 8 housing and low-income housing so that you can find the more suitable one!

1. What's Section 8 Housing?
The Housing Choice Voucher Program, often known as Section 8, is a support system provided by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to help low-income families, the elderly, and people with disabilities afford low-cost apartments that are safe and hygienic.
2. What's Low-Income Housing?
Low-income housing provides assistance to renters whose household income is less than 80% of the regional median. Those who are unable to keep up with rising rents and changing consumer trends benefit from low-income housing.
3. Are They The Same Thing?
Although Section 8 housing and low-income housing are often used interchangeably, they are not the same thing. Actually, Section 8 housing is just one of many low-income housing options, and not all low-income housing is Section 8.
4. Low-Income Housing Assistance Apart From Section 8
In addition to the well-known Section 8 housing and public housing, low-income housing also includes many other programs such as Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA) programs, Project-based rental assistance programs, The HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and so on.
5. Type Of Assistance
Section 8 housing provides assistance through vouchers. Renters who participate in Section 8 housing are given vouchers to deliver to participating landlords. Low-income housing like public housing allows eligible renters to enjoy discounts or even free of charge directly.
6. The Rental Housing
Under Section 8 housing, you can rent from any private landlord who takes section 8 vouchers if you have one. However, low-income housing may be limited to state-operated buildings, which means you should choose government-only housing covered by this program.
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