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How Long Can I Stay On Section 8?

If you're applying for a Section 8 home, you might wonder how long the housing assistance will last. There is simply no time limit on receiving the assistance. However, if you're in any of the following situations, you may be disqualified from the Section 8 Housing Voucher Program. The situations include:

How Long Can I Stay On Section 8? _1

1. Giving false information to the housing authority.

2. Committing a drug-related crime or violent crime.

3. Being unable to pay rent.

4. Being unable to pay utilities.

5. Being unable to comply with required recertification.

6. Failing to comply with unit inspections.

7. Not residing in the unit or allowing someone to live in it who is not part of the approved Section 8 application.

8. Having a household income increase which makes the recipient no longer within the income limits.

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